June 23rd, 2010

Diet With Steak

Okay, so I’m on a new diet. It’s nothing too crazy, just healthy food and less of the junk that filled too many of my meals.

Can I have fries? NO.

Pizza? NAH.

Potato chips? UH NO.

Grilled cheese? HECK NO.

What about steak? YES! YES! YES!

I am so happy that nice, lean steak is a huge part of my diet. Mix in a little baby spinach, some melba toast rounds and I’m in business!

So far, I’ve lost 15 pounds. And I must say, eating steak regularly wasn’t exactly a huge sacrifice. In fact, it has been wonderful.

Thank you, steak, for being there for me when I needed to make some healthy changes. You’ve been my lifesaver in a sea of fruits, veggies, veggies and veggies.

Um, there are lots of veggies in this diet.

This cut certified by the American Heart Association is an excellent option for me. It’s lean and perfectly proportioned. (You know, kinda like I hope to be after this is all over. :))

June 22nd, 2010

Beef, Family Makes Father’s Day Perfect

For Father’s Day, we enjoyed this . . .

. . . and this . . .

We saw Toy Story 3, ate beef kebobs and swam with our boys. In my husband’s words, it was “perfect.”

Funny how our perfect days always include our family and meat. Should we look into that?

Nah. It works.

Hope you all had a wonderful Father’s Day, too!

June 18th, 2010

Steak. You Know Dad Wants It.

It’s Father’s Day on Sunday. Got good plans for your old man?

Well, you can’t go wrong cooking him a steak dinner. I’m serious. He’ll love it.

The Houston Chronicle had an article recently giving some great grilling advice from the experts. Check it out — and then treat Dad to something special.

Happy Father’s Day!

Photo courtesy of Steve Giralt, Food Network Magazine via Chron.com.

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About Me

Hi! My name is Dena P., and I love steak. In fact, I’ve been on a quest for the perfect steak for a few years now.

I love experimenting with food and I like to get my family, friends and neighbors involved. They add a lot to my cooking experience by helping me perfect techniques and sharing recipes.

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