December 31st, 2009

Steak Favorites of 2009

It’s New Year’s Eve and we are about to embark upon a new decade. Can you believe that?

So today I’d like to share with you my Top 10 Favorite Blog Posts of 2009. It’s been a year of great food and great adventures for me and my family. Thank you for coming along with us.


And . . . 2010 is full of promise. If I had a crystal ball, I’d see lots and lots of steak in my future. And yours.

But that’s just a guess.

Enjoy — and Happy New Year!!!!


1.  Jan. 3 — The Tenderest Tenderloin

2.  Jan. 23 — Here We Go Kabob-ing

3.  Feb. 19 — Three’s Company

4.  Feb. 27 — Enchilada Steak Pie Recipe

5.  Apr. 8 — Beef Recipe:  Prime Rib Roast and Yorkshire Pudding

6.  Jun. 26 — Pizza. Beef. Scrumptious.

7.  Jul. 22 — Beefy Sliders

8.  Sept. 25 — Dreamy Meatloaf

9.  Oct. 6 — Steak and Grilled Broccoli

10.  Dec. 10 — O Steaky Night

December 28th, 2009

Snowy, Snowy Steak


‘Twas the night before Christmas . . . and we were starving.

Can you guess — in a house full of carnivores — what we ate?

Wait for it.

Yes, my friends, steak.

Like many other families across this great land, we decided to dine on a Christmas Eve meal of strip steaks, baked potatoes, and all the wine related people can indulge in without looking like we have some problems we need to talk about.

We prefer to keep it light around the holidays. No talk of the sagging economy, world destruction or personal issues. Just Santa, anything positive and the kids in our lives.

This Christmas we found ourselves with a lot to be thankful for — despite what the news shows have been telling us. And the steak? Well, the steak set the tone for a Christmas Eve full of corny holiday classics, thick anticipation and pure excitement.

We decided to try a new seasoning this time. It was Christmas Eve, so we thought, What the heck, let’s go for it.

This steak seasoning, made by SuckleBusters, was just the right amount of spicy hot and flavorful.


We put it on the steaks before my hubby braved the Blizzard of ’09 and ventured outside to grill the steaks IN THE SNOW.

As he said, “You gotta want it.”

And we did.


That is real, actual, honest-to-goodness snow coming down behind the grill there.

Sure, we could have pan fried them inside or put them on the George Foreman in the comfort of our warm kitchen. But what would be the fun in that?

The kids wrote their names in the snow on the patio table while Dad flipped the steaks sans gloves. It was all part of his “get tough” theme for the evening. Very Christmasy.

But, I gotta tell you, this Christmas Eve was one to remember for us. Family with only a minimum of dysfunctional issues, great steaks from my favorite place, a new seasoning and the Christmas night countdown. What could be better than that?

I hope your holidays were just as special!

December 25th, 2009

Merry Christmas, Steak!

If you celebrate Christmas today, have a merry, merry one!

More and more families are celebrating this day with a sumptuous steak dinner.


This photo is of a luscious filet with herb butter. The rest of the menu consists of a creamy potato casserole, carrot pineapple salad, a brie with cherry chutney as an appetizer and a caramel banana cream pie for dessert.

Does yum come any bigger than that?

Check out all the recipe details here and don’t forget to let me know what you think!

Photo courtesy of Linda Larsen at

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About Me

Hi! My name is Dena P., and I love steak. In fact, I’ve been on a quest for the perfect steak for a few years now.

I love experimenting with food and I like to get my family, friends and neighbors involved. They add a lot to my cooking experience by helping me perfect techniques and sharing recipes.

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