September 9th, 2011

Steakburgers Make Me Happy

This was the scene on Labor Day. Grilling. Chilling. Peacefulness.

Except for the minor mishap with that burger in front. Not sure what happened there. It somehow got split in two.

I got to eat that one. That’s what moms do.

But it tasted fantastic all the same.

Those other delights on the grill are bratwurst. We had ourselves a little combo going and our friends who came over thought they had died and gone to heaven.

We had a little football on TV, some meat on the grill and all was well.

THAT’S something to be thankful for. And that’s what we’ll be thinking on Sunday as we remember what happened in our country 10 YEARS AGO.

I can’t believe 9/11/01 was 10 years ago. It feels like yesterday in my mind. My kids weren’t even born then. But they know about 9/11 and we’ll discuss it again.

Just being here is something to be thankful for. And we’ll remember those who aren’t. I hope you will too.

September 8th, 2011

Steak Cures All



I just read this in a blog and I had to share. Really, because it’s not often that you hear emotional stories about steak and how it gets someone through hard times.

Steak generally doesn’t lend itself to such discussions.

But – why shouldn’t it? It really should.

Steak is how I celebrate things (birthdays, anniversaries, promotions, big wins). Why shouldn’t it be a great pick-me-up as well?

I call it steak therapy. Here’s what Elise from Elise’s Pieces wrote on the topic:

Now, a little note about heartbreak. Tonight, not on the potty, Nichelle and I were talking about heartbreak and other yucky things. And we realized that both of our daddies get us steak when we are going through heartbreak or other yucky things. And we have very good daddies.

So, boys, remember this: buy Nichelle and I steak. Slash, one day when you’re daddies, buy your girls steak when they’re sad.

Hey, good advice from a recipient of such kindness.

Now go and make the world a better place – with steak. Someone out there needs it.

Excerpt courtesy of

Photo courtesy of


September 7th, 2011

Gluten-Free Steak


If you have any dietary restrictions, you know how frustrating it can be to find a meal you LOVE that fits all your criteria.

Our friends who either choose to be gluten free or must eat gluten free often have a difficult time with this, especially when eating out.

Yet another reason to make fantastic meals at home!

Here is a wonderful gluten-free steak recipe that combines flavor AND the substance one needs to have a truly satisfying meal. It’s a steak and eggs salad that is bursting with flavor. Try it out!

To your health!

Photo and recipe courtesy of

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About Me

Hi! My name is Dena P., and I love steak. In fact, I’ve been on a quest for the perfect steak for a few years now.

I love experimenting with food and I like to get my family, friends and neighbors involved. They add a lot to my cooking experience by helping me perfect techniques and sharing recipes.

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