July 6th, 2015

It’s Grilling Season: Indirect Heat vs. Direct Heat

Grilling Steak

When grilling steak, you’ve got to master the art of using direct heat AND indirect heat. A combination of the two is best when you’re cooking steak.

Direct heat is just that – placing the meat directly above the heat source (the flame on a grill). The lid is open and this method is best used to first sear the steaks. Yum!

After the searing over direct heat is done, you can move to indirect heat. That’s when you use the reflected heat to cook the meat with the lid closed. Use the area of the grill set up for this – many times the center of the cooking grate. The meat is not directly over a flame but is getting cooked good and juicy.

But the more you open the lid the longer it takes when using indirect heat. Keep that in mind.

Really great steaks require both direct and indirect heat to make them truly special. And the extra time it takes makes all the difference in your final product.

So get out there and use that direct and indirect heat to your advantage this grilling season!

June 15th, 2015

The Best Grilling Tools

A human’s ability to use and master tools sets us apart from the animals. And grilling tools are no exception. Mankind rejoices when a burger is expertly flipped with a spatula. So, in a way, we owe it to mankind to get this grill thing right.


Let’s start with a good, clean grill to make this experience the best it can be. Your steaks deserve it.

Grate Scrape Grilling Tools

The tool to use for this is the Great Scrape. It’s an all-natural wooden tool that scrapes away debris from the grill without the use of mangled wire brushes. You know, those wires can get stuck on the grill and become lodged in your food. Ever bite into a piece of wire? Don’t take that chance. The Great Scrape is shaped like your grill grates and leaves nothing behind.

Chef Apron

Next, you must LOOK the part when you’re grilling steak AND protect yourself and your clothing with a bonafide chef’s apron. Hey, sometimes it can get messy. Be prepared.

Grilling App

And speaking of preparedness, make sure you informed on exactly how to grill a steak. This really cool Grilling Timer App will show you the way. It’ll tell you how long to grill each steak and so much more.

So let’s get our tools ready and show those animals how it’s done!

June 10th, 2015

Best Cooking Advice from Our Own Dads

Filet Mignon and Baked Potato Cooking Advice

They say kids say the darnedest things…but apparently they haven’t met our fathers!

With Father’s Day coming up, I asked the staff at The Kansas City Steak Company to tell us their fathers’ rules/advice/ when it comes to cooking and eating. And, well, they’re pretty awesome and insightful!

Ashley M. from the communications department used to hear: “Don’t get up from that table until you finish that plate.” Smart man, Ashley! If it’s steak – any cut of steak, I ALWAYS follow this rule.

Wayne S., Director of Fulfillment, learned that “Liver is steak” from his dad. Now that’s rough, Wayne.

And Eric S., Creative Director, heard something similar to Ashley every night: “No dessert unless you eat your entire dinner.”

Hey, at least there was dessert to look forward to!

John M., President – Direct to Consumer (aka The Baron of Beef), says his dad declared, “Chutney makes everything taste better.”

Not sure about EVERYTHING, but this is subjective.

Cassie A., Director of Corporate Sales heard this gem over and over: “Real men don’t use measuring cups… they use their gut.”

“Whoever eats the fastest gets the most” is what drove Marcy J., Director of Brand Marketing, to perfect her eating style.

While Keziah B., Director of Merchandising (aka The Menu Maker) learned the all-important “The key to juiciness, Pumpkin, is a good sear.”

But I prefer the simplicity of Director of Marketing Bob D.’s father – “Stick to what you know.”

Ya gotta love dads! They keep us on our toes.

Tell me, with Father’s Day coming up, what are some of your dad’s nuggets of wisdom?

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About Me

Hi! My name is Dena P., and I love steak. In fact, I’ve been on a quest for the perfect steak for a few years now.

I love experimenting with food and I like to get my family, friends and neighbors involved. They add a lot to my cooking experience by helping me perfect techniques and sharing recipes.

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