December 4th, 2015

5 Gifts She’ll Love

So we’ve tackled the five gifts the men in your life might love. Now how about the women? I’ve saved the best for last.

What is the best cut of steak for the ladies on your list? Well, the best steak cuts are the ones SHE likes best!

Seems simple. But sometimes it’s not.

Gift Ideas for Her

Some gift ideas I put out there for the guys in your life might be equally as intriguing to the ladies on your list. I’d suggest the USDA Prime combo as gift idea number one. Lots of steaks in a variety of cuts. You cover a lot of bases with this one.

USDA Prime Gift Boxed Filet Mignon

Or maybe for idea number two go with a box of gift-boxed Prime steaks, but stick with one cut – like the ever-popular filet mignon. It’s fork tender and many ladies love it because it’s just the right size. And, oh, the flavor! To die for.

Filet Mignon

And let’s not forget the wine, shall we? Yes, the wine! Ladies will enjoy a beautiful gift of wine as a complement to those incredible steaks just as much as the gentlemen. That’s gift idea number three.

Holiday Cheesecake Bites

Gift idea number four is a delicious dessert to end that perfect meal. Red Velvet Cake, Cheesecake Bites (a little bit goes a long way!) or a holiday Buche de Noel (yes! chocolate!) is absolutely delightful.

And what a thoughtful gift giver you are! I mean, you’ve thought of everything!

Gift Card

Still not sure? Maybe you’re in the can’t decide what to choose camp. Or maybe you don’t even know where to begin. A gift card as idea number five will do very nicely. That way, SHE can choose which steak or wine or dessert SHE likes best. And YOU get all the glory.

See how that works? It’s a happy holiday for all!

November 30th, 2015

5 Gifts He’ll Love

I just LOVE giving steaks for the holidays! People feel so special when you give the gift of excellent, gourmet food.

And what’s that old saying about the way to a man’s heart being through his stomach? Yeah, steak does that. It does that really well.

And we all know there are so many types of steaks to choose from. So this holiday, for the men in your life, what’s the best cut of steak to give?

Honestly, that depends upon the man.

Gifts He’ll Love

Take my dad, for instance. He’s a T-bone and Porterhouse kind of guy. A man’s man. But just like both of these cuts of steak – he’s got a tender side.

And voila! That’s gift idea number one and two. You’re welcome.

Now, maybe you want to give your boss a taste of Kansas City. It’s the place where the Kansas City strip steak was born. It’s flavorful and thick and really makes a statement. That’s gift idea number three.

Strip Steak

Want to really, really make an impression this holiday season? Give a USDA Prime gift-boxed combo. It’s got delicious prime steaks in an assortment of filet mignon, Kansas City strip steaks and boneless ribeye steaks. This gift idea number four means you don’t have to choose – they get ‘em all!

Gift Boxed Strip Steak

And what really, really goes well with all this amazing steak? The perfect wine! Gift idea number five is an incredible complement to any steak dinner. It completes the package! It’s wine!

Wine Gift Pairings

Need help deciding which wine to give? Check out this great wine pairing guide to match up the best wine with his favorite cut of steak.

And try this wine gift collection to make it even easier on yourself!

With these five great gift ideas in your back pocket, any man on your list is sure to have a happy holiday!

November 27th, 2015

5 Reasons To Send Them Steak For Christmas

Directly after the Thanksgiving hullaballoo, it’s time to start thinking about the next holiday. Sometimes, people begin thinking about it on Thanksgiving Day! Black Friday sales, anyone?

But you can make it easy on yourself and give your loved ones, work colleagues, little league coaches, etc. a gift they will remember and enjoy – steak!

Steak for Christmas

Now, not only is this genius, it’s so, so easy on you. Just choose a cut of gift-boxed steaks and order them online. They can either be sent directly to you so you can present them in person or have them sent to your recipient’s address.

Easy peasy.

And I like my holidays to be easy peasy. Christmas in my house simply CANNOT be a time of stress. I don’t know about you but we’re blowing and going all year long to work, school, baseball, basketball and football games, school events, volunteer functions and a million social events (okay, those are for the kids, not the tired parents). So when holiday time rolls around, we like to just hang out and be together.

So here are 5 reasons to send your crew delicious, quality steaks for Christmas:

  1. They’re tasty. Duh.
  2. They’re unexpected. Not a tie. Not a mug. Steaks!
  3. They’re packaged up really nice. Meaning, that part’s done for you – boom!
  4. You can show them you’re really thinking about THEM by choosing their favorite cut. Mom likes filet mignon? That’s what she gets!
  5. It’s so easy. (This one’s my favorite).

I’ve got enough stress all year long. I don’t want additional stress over the holidays.

That’s why I just choose the best steak cuts for each person, send it to them and tell them I appreciate them.

Everybody’s happy and I get to enjoy my holidays stress-free. Sounds like a winner to me!

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About Me

Hi! My name is Dena P., and I love steak. In fact, I’ve been on a quest for the perfect steak for a few years now.

I love experimenting with food and I like to get my family, friends and neighbors involved. They add a lot to my cooking experience by helping me perfect techniques and sharing recipes.

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