March 28th, 2016

Easter Leftovers

Are you still coming down from that holiday high?

I am. I love spending special time with my family, unwinding and just being together – especially around the dinner table.

Oh, and let’s not forget the eating. I’m always thinking about the eating. Even when the eating is over.

Think about this:  Easter dinner was wonderful. Your spiral ham was a big success. Everyone stuffed themselves, enjoyed the day and all the dishes are clean.

You took the time to lovingly plan out the meal, put the ham in the oven, prepare the side dishes, set the table just right and time it so all the warm dishes were warm and the cold dishes were cold.


Ideas for Easter Leftovers

Now that that’s done, what do we do with all those Easter leftovers in the refrigerator in the wake of a great meal?

Isn’t this always the post-holiday dilemma?

I say turn those leftovers into their own incredible meals! It can be done.

Create your own leftover recipes for spiral ham omelettes, ham soup or whatever other creative ideas you can conjure.

Did you finish all of your amazing side dishes? Get them in on the act as well! Don’t let gourmet mac and cheese go to waste! There’s still time to enjoy its delicious, cheesy goodness.

Try this delicious Ham and Beans recipe for something exciting and different to do with your ham leftovers. It’s ham. It’s beans. It’s Rotel. It’s amazing. Try it!

Seriously, with all your ham leftovers you can make yummy dishes for breakfast, lunch AND dinner this week. You’ve got ham sandwiches, eggs and ham, even ham casserole.

There are so many options, you might actually find yourself a bit sad when all the ham leftovers are gone. But don’t worry, you can always order another spiral ham and start all over!

March 25th, 2016

Easter Entertaining

By now, you might be furiously getting ready for your Easter dinner.

Perhaps you’ve got your spiral ham ready – did you Google “how to cook a spiral ham?” I’m not saying I did that or anything, just wondering if you did.

Easter Entertaining

If you are preparing an Easter feast, what did you decide on? I showed you my pretty incredible Easter dinner menu and I’m really excited to sit down and eat it. I’ve been dreaming about it, actually.

But I’ve got to cook it first.

And that’s the tricky part about Easter entertaining. Cooking the meal and serving it while hosting and entertaining can be a slippery task. You want to visit and make everyone feel welcome, but you’ve got to get that food on the table, too.

It’s tough.

But if we prepare as much as we can beforehand and try to eliminate the actual mixing and chopping and prep work while guests are here it makes everything run smoother. You can even purchase a heat and serve ham so you can spend more time with your guests.

The night before the big event, refrigerate as many items as possible in the containers they will be cooked in. Then, on Easter you just need to pop them in the oven. The food will still taste fresh out of the oven – because it will be!

You just did the hard part the day before.

See, these are things Grandma doesn’t tell you. Tricks of the trade, if you will. I remember my grandmother being in the kitchen every holiday for hours and hours. And we missed her. I don’t want to hide away cooking this Easter. I want to see and be seen. And I think the people around my table want that, too.

So make it pleasant for yourself and your guests by being present. That spiral ham will taste that much better if you aren’t a harried mess when you sit down to eat it. And everyone will share in the stressless day.

March 21st, 2016

Spring Recipes

Holy cow, it’s spring!

Are you as happy as I am that winter is over? I do like the changing seasons, but I wish winter just lasted – say – two weeks or so. That would be perfect.

But, thankfully, the long-awaited spring is here and I can’t wait to cook up some delicious spring recipes.

And you know that “spring recipes” translates to “steak recipes,” right?

I mean, it’s warmer weather so I will be out at my grill as much as possible soaking in the sunshine and filling the air with the aroma of grilling steaks.

That is perfection.

The number one recipe I’m going for this spring is Filet Mignon with Herbed Butter. It’s a light/smaller cut and it’s just right to get our feet wet with for spring. This recipe specifically calls for a Crown Filet Mignon, which is a generously thick cut (like around two inches tall)! Yum!

Spring Recipes Ribeyes

Now, my favorite cut of steak is the almighty ribeye. I love its meaty flavor, marbling and texture. It just speaks to me. So you know I will be springing into spring with some ribeye. Perhaps I’ll try this recipe for “Tangy & Sweet” Ribeyes in a Pomegranate and Wine Marinade. Doesn’t that just SOUND refreshing? Imagine how it tastes! Well, don’t imagine, try it!

Another recipe I’ll test out for spring calls for pan searing some Kansas City Strips and then cooking in the oven for a few minutes and creating a delicious salad with some pretty fierce ingredients like jalapeno peppers and lime juice. Check out this Jalapeno Steak Salad recipe for yourself and see if you’re up for the challenge, too!

What recipes get you excited for spring? Try them out this week and really usher in the season right – I know I will! I’ve been waiting for this for months and months!

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About Me

Hi! My name is Dena P., and I love steak. In fact, I’ve been on a quest for the perfect steak for a few years now.

I love experimenting with food and I like to get my family, friends and neighbors involved. They add a lot to my cooking experience by helping me perfect techniques and sharing recipes.

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