May 31st, 2012

Bourbon Steak Sauce Video

In this video, Chef Jason Hill shows us how to make an awesome Bourbon Steak Sauce.

It’s got rosemary and lots of other goodness whisked in. Such a great complement to a nice cut of beef.

Homemade is always best so try this the next time you’re grilling up a gorgeous steak.

And let me know how your sauce turns out!

April 12th, 2012

10 Best Beef Accompaniments

We all have our favorite garnishes, sauces and the like when it comes to beef.

Our friends at Shortlist have put together a list of “The 10 Best Accompaniments to Beef” – and there’s not a bottle of A1 in sight.

Granted, they are British, and tastes are just slightly different from the States. But I’ll have to go with them here. These are all pretty tasty.

And I never liked A1 anyway. But YOU be the judge. What do you think of these beef accompaniments?

Maybe you’ll find the perfect meal for this weekend among them. Check them out here!

Photo courtesy of
