October 19th, 2011

Steak Quiz


You think you know steak?

I thought I knew steak. Then I took this quiz.

I didn’t know everything I thought I knew.

I demand a re-quiz!

Okay, I can take it again now that I know all the answers. That’s fair, right?

How about YOU take the quiz and let me know how well you did.

There’s apparently more to steak than MEATS the eye.

Yes, I went there.

Take the fun little quiz here!!! And don’t take it as seriously as I did. It’s unsportsmanlike.

July 23rd, 2009

Cuts of Steak

cuts of steak

I LOVE trying new cuts of steak because it gets me out of my comfort zone. I tend to gravitate toward my old standby favorite, the ribeye.

But, sometimes, I won’t try something because I don’t exactly know what I’m trying.

That’s why I like this handy-dandy little guide to all the different cuts of steak. It tells you just what you’re eating . . . and why.

Like ’em extremely tender? You need a filet mignon.

Want a firm, lean cut? Try a top sirloin.

You get the picture.

And speaking of pictures . . . that one at the top? It’s a Porterhouse.

Nice, huh? It’s got the best of both worlds, baby — strip and filet.

Click on the guide above and you can be edumacated too!

Photo courtesy of the Kansas City Steak Company.
