September 6th, 2012

USDA Prime Fans Unite!

Are you a fan of the TV show Friends? It’s in syndication now and you can probably catch an episode at any time of day if you really try.

On the show, Joey and Chandler’s apartment door had this little magnetic board where they would leave messages for each other – or, rather, the producers/writers would leave subliminal messages for the audience.

I must admit I never caught the one you’re about to see, but if I had I would have loved those Friends even more.

So in honor of September and National Prime Beef Month (seriously, it really is) . . . I give you – Joey and Chandler’s “USDA Prime.”


Photo courtesy of CharmedScripts.TV/Friends.

August 12th, 2010

Man-Sized Steak

We visited some dear friends last weekend. To make things even better, we caught up over some hearty, juicy steaks.

One of our buds set his sights on this baby . . .

Yes, siree. That’s a 25-oz. Porterhouse. I know, I know. The photo quality leaves a lot to be desired. Cell phone. Darkly-lit restaurant. You do what you can.

Anyway, you might think our friend had a nice little doggie bag to take home with him.

Think again.

Every inch of that Porterhouse was devoured. As was everyone else’s. Ribeyes, filets — delicious meats.

I can’t think of a better way to enjoy a friendship than over a great steak — can you?
