May 8th, 2009

Steak Recipe: Mother’s Day Appetizer

Want to walk on the wild side? This Mother’s Day appetizer recipe will do you right for Mother’s Day IF your mom is willing to try Steak Tartare.

Serve it as an appetizer, or heck, serve it as a meal. But just one tip, don’t “surprise” Mom with this without fair warning. You want her to speak to you again.

If she’s game, serve away! Happy Mother’s Day, moms!

Duo Filet Appetizers

(Serves 10)

Steak Tartare

2 6 oz. Filet Mignon

2 Fresh Egg yolks

4 Anchovy Filet, packed in oil

4 tsp. Capers

2 Tbsp. Dijon Mustard

3 Tbsp. Red Onion, finely minced

1 Tbsp. Parsley, chopped

Salt and Pepper

Finely chop the filet until evenly minced and set aside.  Combine the anchovy, capers and mustard and mix in a mortar and pestle or mash with the back of a fork until formed into a paste.  Mix in the onion, parsley and yolks and stir to combine.  Season the meat with salt and pepper and mix with the anchovy mixture.  Serve with toast or crackers.  (Note, consuming raw or undercooked foods may lead to food borne illness.)

May 7th, 2009

Steak Countdown

I’m getting ready for Mother’s Day over here. Now starts the countdown.

Sunday, it’s go time.

Okay, so I’m a mom but I’ve invited my mom over for some steaks.

I love steak.

So does that mean I’m celebrating myself?

I don’t know.  It’s too deep.

I just know we’re having steak.

And I’m gonna rock the Teriyaki sauce.

Mother’s Day, you’re the best.

April 24th, 2009

Steaky Mother’s Day

I love my mom.

She’s what a mom was meant to be. She’s always been there for me . . . and she’s still there for me now.


I’m something-seven years old and I still call my mom when I need help. I’m not ashamed to admit that.

I hope my boys are still calling me for help when they have families of their own.

So, Mother’s Day is coming up. And what better way is there to show my mom I love and appreciate her than to cook her a meal and let HER sit down and just be a guest?

How many times is Mom the one doing all the work?

So I’m going to invite her over on Mother’s Day, cook her a delicious filet mignon and raise a glass to her. She deserves it.

I might even send her home with some extra steaks.

She’s THAT great. 🙂
