July 2nd, 2013

Steak: The Cure for What Ails You

I just read an article and this was part of its title:  “Grumpy? Eat a Steak.”

Now, that’s a prescription I can get behind!

I KNOW I always feel less grumpy after I eat a steak. That’s a fact, Jack.

But this article also prescribes steak for when you have lost your sense of taste — probably meaning you lack zinc. Along with loads of iron, beef steak is a great source of zinc.

Amazing, huh? Read on here for more fascinating facts about food prescriptions. I can tell you one thing – I will probably never lack zinc in my life. Just sayin’.

Photo courtesy of Alamy via DailyMail.co.uk.

October 24th, 2012

6 Reasons To Eat Meat Every Day!

I just read an article by Amanda Radke in BEEF Daily where she lists her “Six Reasons Why I Eat Meat Every Day.”

You go, Amanda!

Among her reasons is this:  You get more nutritional bang for your buck with meat.

Interesting. Delicious AND affordable. I like it.

Click here to read Amanda’s entire list. Then tell me, what are your reasons? And do you eat meat every day?

Photo courtesy of KansasCitySteaks.com.

October 17th, 2012

Beef Facts

I’ve found a cool resource for everything beef. It’s from the Beef Checkoff program and it’s called FactsAboutBeef.com.

Naturally, it’s a site that provides just what it says . . . facts about beef.

It’s got answers to questions about nutrition, animal care, the environment, safety — even recipes.

And it’s a great place to go for all your beef-related news.

Check out the site here and you, too, can keep abreast of all things beef!

Photo courtesy of KansasCitySteaks.com.
