September 30th, 2014

Fall Soup Serving Suggestions


It’s soup and stew time of year – hooray!

So you’ve got your hearty bowl of goodness – beef stew, steak soup – but what do you serve WITH it?

Here are my ideal soup and stew sides…

1. Good ole grilled cheese sandwich. Oh, I can taste the melted cheese right now.

2. Delicious, nutritious salad. The perfect accompaniment.

3. A second serving of soup/stew! ‘Nuff said.

4. Fresh bread. You know, for dipping.

5. Panini sandwich. Delish!

Okay, those are my top 5 fall soup and stew serving suggestions to get your taste buds going this fall. What are yours?

Photo courtesy of

January 21st, 2014

It’s Steak Soup Time!

It’s cold out and nothing warms us up better than soups and stews at this time of year.

And a soup with steak? Yes, please!!!

There are lots of great steak soup recipes out there, but here’s a surefire winner to try — Kansas City Steak Soup recipe.

It’s full of beautiful ingredients like carrots, onions, tomatoes, and — of course — steak!

Not in the mood to start from scratch? Try this steak soup mix which even includes the diced sirloin. Easy peasy!

Enjoy your hearty, soupy feast – and stay warm!

Photo courtesy of

August 9th, 2010

Steak: Poetry in Your Belly

So apparently people have loved steak for such a long time that poetry about our beloved exists from as far back as the 1800s. Maybe even longer.

Here, a very wise writer waxes poetic about a luscious steak stew. Mmmmm. . .

A Steak

I surely never hope to view

A steak as luscious as a stew.

The latter is the tasty goal

Of elements in perfect whole,

A mad assemblage of legumes

Exuding warm ambrosial fumes,

Each seasoning of proper length,

Proving in Union there’s strength.

A steak is grander, it is true,

Yet needs no special skill to brew.

It is an art a stew to make,

But anyone can broil a steak.

unknown, 1880

Poetry courtesy of

Photo courtesy of
