November 16th, 2015

Dressing vs. Stuffing

I’m DREAMING of all the cooking this coming week will bring! I love it! This holiday could not be more exciting and fulfilling to me. It’s about family – and that doesn’t mean just blood relatives. The incredible aromas and the feeling of “home” and just being together is what Thanksgiving is all about to me.

And, of course, being thankful.

The meal prep has begun. And of all the Thanksgiving menu items people across the country are planning and prepping, none is more, shall we say, controversial than stuffing/dressing.

Dressing vs Stuffing

What should I call it? Are they two different things?

Let’s delve into this topic, shall we?

Some people would argue that the two terms DRESSING and STUFFING are interchangeable. Same thing, they say. But others insist that stuffing is actually cooked inside of the bird and dressing remains on the outside at all times.

The actual dish itself may contain the same ingredients, but WHERE it is cooked is the game changer – and the key to its name. If you’re in this camp, your Thanksgiving recipes for dressing might look exactly like your recipes for stuffing. It’s the placement that matters.

Still others voice the opinion that what it’s called is just a matter of what part of the country you reside in. Southerners prefer “dressing,” while northerners prefer “stuffing” – no matter where it’s cooked or how it’s served.

With or without celery. Crispy on top, or soft all the way through. It’s all good to me.

So what’s your take on the great “Dressing vs. Stuffing Debate?” Do you have a hard and fast rule about how it’s served and what it’s called?

As for me, all I know is it’s mighty tasty. I’ll take it anywhere it’s served and you can call it anything you want! I’m just really, really thankful it’s on my table.

November 9th, 2015

Thanksgiving Table Settings

November is upon us! The holidays are coming up! Does that invoke excitement or fear in you? This could go either way.

If it’s fear, you might be looking for a little inspiration and guidance. All the preparation and decision-making the time of year can be overwhelming. You’re gonna need some help. Hey, I’m in this boat, too. And among the Thanksgiving tips you and I may be searching for this holiday season are the perfect table settings.

Thanksgiving Table Setting Turkey

Picture this: You’ve done the hard part. You’ve chosen the most amazing Thanksgiving menu – complete with all the dishes you love like a smoked turkey, spiral-sliced ham, cornbread stuffing, cranberry sauce, garlic green beans, fresh baked dinner rolls and a dessert to die for like a red velvet cake or a pumpkin pie.

Pumpkin Tart

Now you’ve got to showcase all that hard work. You can’t just plop all that beautiful food down on an uninspired table. You need the perfect table setting.

So think – what style excites you?

Do you like an elegant table with shiny china and delicate glassware? Play that up! It’s Thanksgiving! Bring out the family heirlooms and the sentimental pieces for everyone to enjoy.

Or do you prefer a more subtle look with a more farm-fresh theme? Colorful fruits in a bowl and a more casual tableware create a table setting that’s very inviting. It’s YOUR table so dress it how you please!

Or maybe you like a more classic table setting with homey dishes and napkin holders with a harvest theme. A cornucopia in the middle of the table is the ultimate classic finish to this table’s theme.

There’s a lot to be thankful for this year. And however you choose to express yourself this Thanksgiving, your guests will appreciate the time and effort you spent to create the table setting that means the most to you!

November 6th, 2015

Thanksgiving Styles

When you get down into the details of Thanksgiving planning, it’s nice to have a style or theme to create your Thanksgiving menu and your table decorations around.

It always makes for an even more special holiday when every detail has been well thought out. It shows so much love and care has gone into the planning of this very special meal.

There are so many themes to choose from and the preparation can get overwhelming. So when choosing, just go with your own personal style. What speaks to you?

Thanksgiving Styles

For instance, you can choose a Southern style with a country feel – natural wood table settings and simple, down-home décor. You won’t find your great grandmother’s fancy china and glassware on this table. Plain white plates or a single color is all you need. The food will do most of the talking.

Thanksgiving recipes for a Southern theme might include cornbread pudding, country gravy, deep-fried turkey and Mom’s apple cobbler. Like a holiday on the farm. Delicious!

Then there’s the traditional style. Now, that’s where the fancy china and glassware can make its appearance. A classic turkey and dressing, cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes with brown gravy are on the menu here.

Mashed Potatoes

Or, you can go minimalist. Think a modern aesthetic. Sleek lines and simplicity. Elegant. The food can stay in the classic zone, but serve it up in simple dishes. No doilies here. Those belong on a traditional table.

Have some fun playing around with different styles. This is YOUR holiday so make it memorable and pleasing to the eye as well as the palate! And there are so many styles to choose from, there’s bound to be one that excites you.

Tell me, do you like to stick to traditions on Thanksgiving or are you open to mixing up your style with something different this year?
