September 15th, 2010

Sweep Steak

This is a QUICK recipe from The I Hate to Cook Book.

The title is hilarious.

It’s simple and anyone could do this for an easy, flavorful meal in a hurry.

Nice. Me likey.

Sweep Steak

Recipe adapted from The I Hate to Cook Book

Makes 4 to 6 servings

2- to 3-pound steak or pot roast

Two 1-ounce packets of French onion soup mix

Preheat the oven to 300°. Place the meat in the center of a

large sheet of aluminum foil and sprinkle it with the onion soup

mixture. Fold the foil around the meat so that it is

completely enclosed, and place it in a baking pan. Cook the

meat for 3 hours, until it’s tender, then slice and serve.

With kids and sports and homework and laundry and work and various and sundry other activities, it’s hard to sit down to a yummy meal during the week.

Or maybe I’m just projecting my life onto yours.

Either way, this sounds like the best of all worlds – try it!

Photo courtesy of

Recipe from The I Hate to Cook Book via
