November 19th, 2010

Taking Care of Myself…With Beef

So, I’ve been running myself ragged. Kids. Work. Trying to be a good citizen and neighbor. Marriage. Recycling.

(That last one was just to see if you were paying attention.)

And in my haste to do all those things I left something off my list — me.

This weekend, before the Thanksgiving hullaballoo of traveling and shopping and cooking and writing down all the things to be thankful for, I am going to be treated to a most special meal.

A steak grilled with love. Plus a baked potato just the way I like it. And salad. And wine. Lots of wine.

My husband is going to put on his gloves, grab that spatula and grill the heck outta my ribeye steak.

That’s how much he loves me.

Come to think of it, I don’t really have to write down all I’m thankful for. It’s already in my head.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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