January 21st, 2008

A movie about steak? C’est magnifique!

Apparently, in 2007 a French movie was released as a “sci-fi/comedy” (huh?). Its title?


My first thought was, What could be better than an entire movie about steak? But upon further investigation I don’t see any mention of succulent beef at all in the movie’s advertisement.

Mind you, all the movie propaganda is in French and I took Spanish in college, so that’s kind of a barrier. But all the related pictures show people in weird masks with red jackets and too-short pants. They look like a bunch of thugs from The Outsiders with Emilio Estevez, Matt Dillon, etc.

Steak, however, features such stars as the ever-popular Eric Judor and the irrascible Sebastien Tellier.


Yeah, I’ve never heard of them either.

And so, I will continue the journey to find a movie that prominently features my favorite carnivorous treat.

Surely there are some great steak shots in The Godfather trilogy. . .

January 18th, 2008

Warm and Satisfying

I’m looking at little snow flurries out my window right now. This winter weather makes me want to eat something very hearty.

I’m thinking Prime Rib (with rosemary and garlic) or a Heat & Serve meal like chili.

I’m feeling lazy and lethargic . . . so chili it is!

What makes you feel warm and cozy during these winter months? Share your ideas with me!

January 17th, 2008

My Top 10 List

Last Friday evening, two days before we had planned a rockin’ steak dinner at home, we were invited to dinner with my husband’s boss and his wife. We were happy to accept; and where did we end up, you may ask?

A steakhouse.

It started the wheels in my mind spinning, comparing the restaurant steak experience to the at-home steak experience.

So here’s my Top 10 List for Why I’d Rather Eat My Steak at Home:

10. No Teriyaki sauce at the restaurant. (My fave.)

9.   Most chefs don’t like to hear “Barely any pink, please.”

8.   Really nice places don’t have bacon bits for my baked potato. 🙁

7.   I can’t bring my favorite chair from my dining room table to the restaurant. It’s really cushy.

6.   You have to tip the waiter. (My husband just asks for a kiss.)

5.   At home, we listen to awesome playlists from our iPods that we pump through the house during our meal. (Most restaurants don’t play old Bobby Brown songs, Merle Haggard and Def Leppard.)

4.   I can’t wear my really stretchy pants to a restaurant.

3.   At a restaurant, I don’t have the luxury of knowing my kids are asleep in their rooms upstairs while I leisurely enjoy my steak.

2.   It’s more expensive at a restaurant and you can get the same quality steaks (even USDA prime) delivered to you from KC Steaks. (Plus, see #6.)

1.   No reservations.

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Hi! My name is Dena P., and I love steak. In fact, I’ve been on a quest for the perfect steak for a few years now.

I love experimenting with food and I like to get my family, friends and neighbors involved. They add a lot to my cooking experience by helping me perfect techniques and sharing recipes.

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