March 7th, 2008

Home Sweet Steak

Well, I finally got my celebratory steak dinner last night.

My husband and I waited until we put the kids to bed and we (okay, he) grilled up 4 yummy sirloin steaks.


Even though our part of the world received 7 inches of snow yesterday (so bad that schools were delayed 2 hours this morning) we grilled outside, darnit!

We really just wanted some old school steaks. And we got them.

I ate 1 and my husband ate 3. Um, he told me he skipped lunch and he was really hungry.

We turned off the lights, lit some candles and just talked about the difficult week we just had. Some good steaks and some good company always seem to make me feel better.

We decided that we never want to see the inside of a hospital again and that Will Ferrell’s new movie “Semi-Pro” is probably really bad — but we might go see it anyway.

(It was kind of a stream-of-consciousness discussion.)

Good food is the elixir for all the world’s problems. I hope you have some this weekend, too!

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