April 14th, 2008

Taco Delight

Hope you had a great weekend!

Saturday night was Taco Night at our house. That’s always very popular. But it was a little different this time.

I used this Vidalia onion ground beef for the taco meat and it was so good! That sweet onion taste is perfect for tacos.

We had a spread of different cheeses, lettuce, tomatoes and the ever-popular taco sauce. Plus rice, too.

I just needed some meat that night. Have you ever felt that way? Like you just need some beef?

It could have been because I had popcorn for dinner the night before.

So tacos saved the day.

But the next time I use this Vidalia onion ground beef will be for meat loaf. The onions are built right in so I can check that off the list when I’m going through my recipe.

I like it when some of the work is already done for me.

Maybe I’ll have popcorn again the night before I make it so I’ll be extra hungry for it. Oh, yeah, I can taste it now . . .
